Marion Felger Dip. MCAM Equine & Canine Physical Therapist International Level 2 Instructor Email: Mobile: +353(0)877460381
Marion Felger has over 25 years experience working within the horse industry. Growing up on the family stud farm on Germany, Marion started riding at a very young age and her passion for horses has been life-long.
Marion has worked with a wide variety of horses throughout different disciplines. During her training she has had the opportunity to work with some of the industry’s top professionals including International Show Jumper Hugo Simon and classical Dressage trainer, Egon von Neindorff.
In the early stages of her career, Marion developed a strong interest in the biomechanics of the horse itself and realised that to get the best possible results, the horses had to be in peak physical condition, both mentally and physically. She constantly observed horses having difficulties in maintaining good posture and flexibility. This inevitably led to doubt about their soundness although they could not have been described as 'lame', in fact most passed Vet checks with flying colours. It was apparent that circumstances such hard ground, collection and constant bending created the most obvious signs of distress and unevenness. Most horses worked brilliantly when on the straight or jumping but changed dramatically in their willingness when it came to circle work and collection. Posture and movement inefficiencies crept into the training with deceptive subtlety.
Marion's interest has been furthered through the study of complementary therapies including McTimoney-Corley spinal manipulation. Marion would like to thank all the vets, chiropractioners and physical therapists that she has worked with throughout her career for all their help and advice .
Marion’s philosophy is "Ride the Difference"
Her mission in life is to bring awareness to horse lovers that there is something more horses are trying to tell us, that they need help with, and once eliminated, this enhances their quality of life and performance.